Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Masters of Photography - Eadweard Muybridge

Photos 1+2: A rock rippling a puddle of water

 Photos 1+2: Unedited

 Photos 3+4+5: Jason S. jumping off the bell tower
Photos 3+4+5: Unedited

About Eadweard Muybridge:
He was born on April 9, 1830 and died on May 8, 1904; he began to take photos in 1861 and ended his photography career in 1894. Although he was born in England, he also traveled to the United States to take photos. The main type of photos he took were stop motion photography (He was best known for his photos of animals and humans in motion, capturing the fast movements the human eye could not comprehend.) Eadweard Muybridge is considered unique as he was the first person to develop a way to observe motions too fast for the human eye to observe by taking individual photos of the motions to observe closely. 

My View on Eadweard Muybridge: 
We chose him because his style of photography was very unique, different from all the other photographers on the list, with the theme of his photos being stop motion. He inspired me by allowing me to try different types of photography, as most of the photos I often take are simply landscape and nature photos. At first, I only wanted to finish the assignment, but as I discovered more about him, I learned to incorporate his style into my own photos.